Never should have walked you to the door Never should have told you those 3 words When you said you wanted less I wanted more Isnt that the way it always
He drove her home last Friday night another date, another stupid fight He tried to make up, just one embrace Slammed the car door, slammed it in his face
He knows you like to sleep on your left side He's heard you talk to yourself when you dream I guess by now he calls you lover, turned to that other
Piece of paper on the desk; filled it up with my regrets, then i stapled it to my chest. i hope the words from the pen burn their way in under my skin
Översättning: Lovesick Radio. Pojkar spelar ingen roll.
Översättning: Lovesick Radio. Inte Låt mig vara rätt.
Översättning: Lovesick Radio. Jag önskar att jag inte brydde.
Översättning: Lovesick Radio. Förloraren av året.
He drove her home last Friday night another date, another stupid fight He tried to make up, just one embrace Slammed the car door, slammed it in his