Översättning: Kompressor. Attack och release.
Översättning: Kompressor. Kompressor Har inte dansa.
Översättning: Kompressor. Aldrig prata med främlingar.
Something soulless told you it hates you They wear the sheepskins, but you are the monster Breathing men would kill Lucy don't go hold me haunt me tinctures
I awoke to see the sun at 6 o'clock But I guess I stayed in bed too long Because it was night and that sun was goin' down It was still awfully bright
Something soulless told you it hates you They wear the sheepskins, but you are the monster Breathing men would kill Lucy don't go, hold me, haunt me tinctures
i went to see the sun at 6 o'clock... but i guess i stayed in bed too long. because it was night and that sun was goin' down. it was still awfully bright
Översättning: Kool Savas. Savas delen om "Agressor Vs. Kompressor".
Översättning: Ronin. Kompressor Blues.
Översättning: White Zombie. Kompressor Heaven.
Översättning: X. Supercharged.
: i went to see the sun at 6 o'clock... but i guess i stayed in bed too long. because it was night and that sun was goin' down. it was still awfully
I paid the mob their fee so no one can touch me. You see, you gotta' pay the Don so he can wet his beak. Wait, got a situation here. I'll consult whitecoat
Something soulless told you it hates you They wear the sheepskins, but you are the monster Breathing men would kill Lucy don't go, hold me, haunt me