SKU: AU.9780800658991
Congregational Song Accompaniments For Organ. Composed by Various. General. Organ Music. Spiral bound. Published by Augsburg Fortress (AU.9780800658991).ISBN 9780800658991.
Designed to enhance congregational singing, a variety of composers have included organ introductions and two musical accompaniments in a number of styles for over 100 of the most popular hymns in use today. Contributors include David Cherwien, Jeffrey Honore, Mark Sedio, J. Bert Carlson, Keith Hampton, Anne Krentz Organ, Stephen Folkemer, Robert Buckley Farlee and more. Sure to be a basic volume for every church organist. Sure to be a basic volume for every church organist. Spiral bound for ease of use.
- A va de
- Ack, saliga stunder
- Ack, vad ar dock livet har
- Adeste Fideles
- Alleluia No. 1
- American Hymn
- Angel's Story
- Angelic Songs
- As the Grains
- Assurance
- Aurelia
- Barbara Allen
- Baronita
- Battle Hymn
- Beatus vir
- Bereden vag for herran
- Besancon
- Bicentennial
- Blest are They
- Blott en dag
- Break Bread Together
- Bred dina vida vingar
- Bridegroom
- Bunessan
- Chereponi
- Christ Lag In Todesbanden
- Conditor alme siderum
- Converse
- Convivio
- Dennis
- Deo gracias
- Der mange skal komme
- Die helle Sonn leucht
- Distress
- Duke Street
- Easter Hymn
- Ebenezer
- Es ist das Heil
- Faithfulness
- Fang dein Werk
- Festal Song
- Forest Green
- Freu dich sehr
- Freuen wir uns all in ein
- Galilee
- Gather Us In
- Gottes Sohn ist kommen
- Grains of Wheat
- Hankey
- Healer of Our Every Ill
- Hermas
- Hyfrydol
- I Wonder
- In Dir Ist Freude
- Iste confessor
- Italian Hymn
- Jam lucis
- Jefferson
- Jesus Lifted Me
- Joyous Light
- Kas Dziedaja
- Kelvingrove
- Komm, heiliger Geist
- Land of Rest
- Leominster
- Little Flock
- Lo desembre congelat
- Lobt Gott, ihr Christen
- Lord, Revive Us
- Lost in the Night
- Macht hoch die Tur
- Marching To Zion
- Merrial
- Mit Freuden Zart
- Morgenlied
- Nettleton
- New Commandment
- Nicaea
- Noel Nouvelet
- Now the Feast
- O Jesu, an de dina
- O quanta qualia
- O Store Gud
- O Waly Waly
- Pescador de hombres
- Picardy
- Pilot
- Potsdam
- Prospect
- Regent Square
- Royal Oak
- Shine, Jesus, Shine
- Showalter
- Sicilian Mariners
- St. Albinus
- St. Catherine
- St. Christopher
- Taule
- Te ofrecemos
- The Singer and the Song
- The Summons
- Thompson
- Toda la tierra
- Veni, Emmanuel
- W Zlobie Lezy
- Wer nur den lieben Gott
- Wojtkiewiecz