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Why Try to Change Me Now by Fiona Apple. - Digital Sheet Music.


Varför försöker ändra mig nu av Fiona Apple. - Digital Noter.


Leadsheet. Lyrics. Melody. Chords. Voice, range. F2-E5. C Instrument. MN0137619. Contains complete lyrics. Compatible. Why Try to Change Me Now. Fiona Apple. F Major. Musicnotes What's This. Musicnotes File. Instantly printable digital sheet music plus a PC-compatible interactive, downloadable sheet music file. I'm sentimenttal so I walk in the rain,. Matt Dennis. Song. q 72. Alternative Pop. Rock. Traditional Pop. Vocal Jazz. Vocal Pop. Cy Coleman. Joseph McCarthy. 1952. Sony. ATV Music Publishing. House. The Best Is Yet to Come. The Songs of Cy Coleman. View All.


Leadsheet. Texter. Melody. Ackord. Röst, intervall. F2-E5. C Instrument. MN0137619. Innehåller kompletta texter. Kompatibel. Varför försöka ändra mig nu. Fiona Apple. F-dur. Musicnotes Vad är detta. Musicnotes fil. Genast utskrivbara digitala noter plus en PC-kompatibel interaktiva, nedladdningsbar noter fil. I'm sentimenttal so I walk in the rain,. Matt Dennis. Song. q 72. Alternativ pop. Rock. Traditionell Pop. Vocal Jazz. Vocal Pop. Cy Coleman. Joseph McCarthy. 1952. Sony. ATV Music Publishing. Hus. Det bästa är ändå att komma. Songs of Cy Coleman. Visa Alla.