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Down the Back Lane. Variation in Traditional Irish Dance Music. Classical Guitar sheet music. Fiddle sheet music. Fingerpicking Guitar sheet music. Flatpicking Guitar sheet music. Flute sheet music. Mandolin sheet music. Oboe sheet music. Violin sheet music. Advanced.
Down the Back Lane. Variation i Traditional Irish Dance Music. Klassisk gitarr noter. Fiddle noter. Fingerpicking gitarr noter. Flatpicking gitarr noter. Flöjt noter. Mandolin noter. Oboe noter. Violin noter. Utökad.
Down the Back Lane. Variation in Traditional Irish Dance Music composed by Grey Larsen. For Flute, Fife and Oboe, Mandolin, Tinwhistle, Fiddle, Guitar. Flatpicking, Fingerpicking. Saddle-stitched. Advanced. Book. CD Set. 52 pages. Published by Mel Bay Publications, Inc. MB.30114BCD. ISBN 9780786685745. 8.75 x 11.75 inches. From the author of The Essential Guide to Irish Flute and Tin Whistle comes a work for players of all melody instruments that probes deeply into the art of variation in traditional Irish dance music. At the heart of Down the Back Lane are the accompanying audio recordings. The author plays eight traditional tunes on Irish flute and tin whistle, each three times through, complete with beautiful variations. He notates each performance in meticulous detail and offers insightful comments on each one. We get a rare and intimate view into the intuitive musical mind of a masterful player, along with extensive information on ornamentation, phrasing, articulation, dynamics and much more. Though the author plays the tunes on flute and whistle, he has carefully designed the book to be useful to players of all melody instruments.
Down the Back Lane. Variation in Traditional Irish Dance Music composed by Grey Larsen. För flöjt, Fife och oboe, mandolin, Tinwhistle, Fiol, gitarr. Flatpicking, Finger. Sadelhäftade. Utökad. Bok. CD Set. 52 sidorna. Publicerad av Mel Bay Publications, Inc. MB.30114BCD. ISBN 9780786685745. 8.75 x 11.75 inches. Från författaren av The Essential Guide till irländsk flöjt och Tin Whistle kommer ett arbete för spelare på alla melodiinstrument som sonder djupt in i konsten att variationen i traditionell irländsk dansmusik. I hjärtat av Down the Back Lane är de medföljande ljudinspelningar. Författaren spelar åtta traditionella låtar på irländsk flöjt och tin whistle, var tre gånger igenom, komplett med vackra variationer. Han notates varje prestanda i minsta detalj och ger insiktsfulla kommentarer på var och en. Vi får en sällsynt och intim inblick i den intuitiva musikaliska sinnet av en mästerlig spelare, tillsammans med omfattande information om ornamentik, frasering, artikulation, dynamik och mycket mer. Though the author plays the tunes on flute and whistle, he has carefully designed the book to be useful to players of all melody instruments.