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Legend. Bob Marley. Electric Guitar sheet music. Guitar Tablature sheet music. Intermediate.Översättning
Teckenförklaring. Bob Marley. Elgitarr noter. Gitarrtablatur noter. Intermediär.Ursprunglig
Legend by Bob Marley. For Guitar. Hal Leonard Guitar Recorded Versions. Reggae. Difficulty. medium. Guitar tablature songbook. Guitar tablature, standard notation, vocal melody, lyrics, chord names, guitar chord diagrams, guitar notation legend and strum and pick patterns. 96 pages. Published by Hal Leonard. HL.694956. ISBN 0793537002. With guitar tablature, standard notation, vocal melody, lyrics, chord names, guitar chord diagrams, guitar notation legend and strum and pick patterns. Reggae. 9x12 inches. The Best Of Bob Marley & The Wailers 14 of his most memorable songs, including. Could You Be Loved. Exodus. Get Up Stand Up. I Shot The Sheriff. People Get Ready. and more. Includes lots of photos. Guitar Recorded Versions are note-for-note transcriptions of guitar music taken directly off recordings. This series, one of the most popular in print today, features some of the greatest guitar players and groups from blues, rock, and heavy metal. Guitar Recorded Versions are transcribed by the best transcribers in the business. Every book contains notes and tablature. Satisfy My Soul. Buffalo Soldier. Could You Be Loved. Exodus. Get Up Stand Up. I Shot The Sheriff. Is This Love. Jammin'. No Woman No Cry. One Love. People Get Ready. Redemption Song. Stir It Up. Three Little Birds. Waiting In Vain.Översättning
Legend av Bob Marley. För gitarr. Hal Leonard Guitar Inspelade versioner. Reggae. Svårighetsgrad. medium. Gitarrtablatur sångbok. Gitarrtablatur, notskrift, sång melodi, texter, ackordnamn, gitarrackorddiagram, gitarr notation legend och knäpper och plocka mönster. 96 sidorna. Publicerad av Hal Leonard. HL.694956. ISBN 0793537002. Med gitarr tabulatur, notskrift, sång melodi, texter, ackordnamn, gitarrackorddiagram, gitarr nota legend och klinka och plocka mönster. Reggae. 9x12 inches. The Best Of Bob Marley. Kan du bli älskad. Exodus. Get Up Stand Up. I Shot The Sheriff. People Get Ready. och mer. Innehåller massor av foton. Guitar Inspelade versioner är not-for-note transkriptioner av gitarrmusik tas direkt från inspelningar. Denna serie, en av de mest populära i tryck i dag, presenterar några av de största gitarrister och grupper från blues, rock och heavy metal. Guitar Inspelade versioner transkriberas av de bästa transcribers i branschen. Varje bok innehåller noter och tabulatur. Satisfy My Soul. Buffalo Soldier. Kan du bli älskad. Exodus. Get Up Stand Up. I Shot The Sheriff. Är detta kärlek. Jammin. No Woman No Cry. One Love. People Get Ready. Redemption Song. Stir It Up. Three Little Birds. Waiting In Vain.Populära sök