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Zugzwang. Thomas Dempster. Bassoon sheet music. Horn sheet music.


Zugzwang. Thomas Dempster. Fagott noter. Horn noter.


Zugzwang. composed by Thomas Dempster. 1980-. For Horn, Bassoon. Chamber music, 20th century. Published by Potenza Music. P2.70007. In the widely-known and respected game of chess, the Zugzwang is a forced move that a defending player has to move in order to, you know, not die. It's a move a player has to make in order to avoid checkmate. This is one of the endgame scenarios in chess, with the player forcing the Zugzwang basically holding the upper hand. It's a chase to the end. I envisioned the horn and bassoon as two figures engaged in a quick back and forth with a chase to the finish, each instrument showing off its own arsenal while occasionally borrowing pawns or bishops from the other side of the board to make a point.


Zugzwang. composed by Thomas Dempster. 1980 -. För horn, fagott. Kammarmusik, 20-talet. Publicerad av Potenza Music. P2.70007. I den allmänt kända och respekterade parti schack, är det Zugzwang en påtvingad flyttning som en försvarande spelare måste flytta för att, du vet, inte dö. Det är ett drag en spelare har att göra för att undvika schackmatt. Detta är en av slutspelsscenarierna i schack, med spelaren tvingar Zugzwang princip hålla övertaget. Det är en jakt till slutet. I envisioned the horn and bassoon as two figures engaged in a quick back and forth with a chase to the finish, each instrument showing off its own arsenal while occasionally borrowing pawns or bishops from the other side of the board to make a point.