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Every 100 Years - The Woody Guthrie Centennial Songbook. Woody Guthrie.
Varje 100 Years - The Woody Guthrie Centennial Songbook. Woody Guthrie.
Every 100 Years - The Woody Guthrie Centennial Songbook. 100 Years - 100 Songs. By Woody Guthrie. For Melody. Lyrics. Chords. Richmond Music  Folios. Softcover. 130 pages. Published by TRO - The Richmond Organization. HL.1585. ISBN 1458420744. 9x12 inches. 2012 would have been the 100th birthday of American singer. songwriter Woody Guthrie. To mark his extraordinary achievements in songwriting, we are releasing this souvenir centennial songbook. Woody Guthrie wrote over 3,000 songs in his lifetime, yet only 300 or so were ever recorded. At the invitation of Guthrie's daughter, Nora Guthrie, contemporary singer. songwriters have set music to Guthrie's previously unpublished lyrics. Musicians such as Billy Bragg, Wilco, Dropkick Murphys, Jonatha Brooke, Jay Farrar, Tom Morello, Lou Reed, The Klezmatics, Hans-Eckardt Wenzel, Madeleine Peyroux, Janis Ian, Sarah Lee Guthrie & Johnny Irion, and Woody's son, Arlo Guthrie, have shown us how timeless Woody's words are. Every 100 Years is a compilation of 100 Woody Guthrie songs that run the gamut from work songs, love songs and union & protest songs, to topical songs and children's songs. The book features his classics such as. This Land Is Your Land. Jesus Christ. Do Re Mi. Pretty Boy Floyd. Roll On Columbia. Pastures of Plenty. Deportee. Riding in My Car. and more, as well as hits from the next generation of Guthrie co-authors. California Stars. I'm Shippin' Up to Boston. The Jolly Banker. Way Over Yonder in the Minor Key. Hoodoo Voodoo. Ease My Revolutionary Mind. Ingrid Bergman. My Peace. Mermaid's Avenue. Happy Joyous Hanukkah. Every 100 Years. and many others. Includes a preface from Howie Richmond, founder of The Richmond Organization – Guthrie's publisher, as well as other commentary from friends, family, and Woody himself along with photos and facsimiles of Guthrie's original drawings and hand-written lyrics. Holy Ground. Heaven. One By One. Do Re Mi. Bling-Blang. Howdido. Better World. Deportee. Plane Wreck At Los Gatos. California Stars. Remember The Mountain Bed. I'm Shipping Up To Boston. Bigger. Don't Kill My Baby And My Son. Way Over Yonder In The Minor Key. She Came Along To Me. Aginst Th' Law. Against The Law. Another Man's Done Gone. Birds And Ships. Ingrid Bergman. Joe DiMaggio Done It Again. My Flying Saucer. My Thirty Thousand. Union Prayer. The Unwelcome Guest. Hoodoo Voodoo. Airline To Heaven. All You Gotta Do Is Touch Me. Be No Church Tonight. Been Down The River Too Long. Cadillac Eight. Chain Of Broken Hearts. Christ For President. Ease My Revolutionary Mind. Every 100 Years. Folksong. God's Promise. Gonna Get Through This World. Happy Joyous Hanuka. He And She. Hesitating Beauty. Hoping Machine. I Hear You Sing Again. Jolly Banker. King Of My Love. Listening To That Wind That Blows. Mermaid's Avenue. My New York City. My Peace. New Multitudes. New Star. Ninety Mile Wind. Old L.A. Orange Blossom Ring. Ramblin' Reckless Hobo. Sweetest Angel. There's More True Lovers Than One. This Morning I Am Born Again. Ticky Tock. Two Good Men. World's On Fire. Wild Card In The Hole. Woman At Home. Your Sandal String. Go Waggaloo. I'll Write And I'll Draw. The Debt I Owe. Bad Repetation. Dear Mrs. Roosevelt. Einstein Theme Song. Hangknot, Slipknot. Hard Work. Woody's Rag. Ludlow Massacre. Peace Call. Peace Pin Boogie. Philadelphia Lawyer. The Sun Jumped Up. Talkin' Subway. This Train Is Bound For Glory. Don't You Push Me Down. Dry Bed. Little Bird. Baby Birdy. Little Sacka Sugar. Little Seed. Race You Down The Mountain. Sleep Eye. Hanuka Dance. Mail Myself To You. Put Your Finger In The Air. Riding In My Car. Roll On, Columbia. This Land Is Your Land. Union Maid. I've Got To Know. Pastures Of Plenty. I Ain't Got No Home. Ladies Auxiliary. Jesus Christ. Belle Starr. The Ranger's Command. Pretty Boy Floyd.
Varje 100 Years - The Woody Guthrie Centennial Songbook. 100 år - 100 låtar. Genom Woody Guthrie. För Melody. Texter. Ackord. Richmond Musik  Folios. Mjukt omslag. 130 sidor. Utgiven av TRO - The Richmond Organisation. HL.1585. ISBN 1458420744. 9x12 inches. 2012 skulle ha varit 100 år av amerikansk sångerska. låtskrivare Woody Guthrie. För att markera hans utomordentliga insatser i låtskrivande, vi släpper denna souvenir centennial songbook. Woody Guthrie skrev över 3000 låtar under sin livstid, men bara 300 eller så var någonsin registrerats. På inbjudan av Guthrie dotter, Nora Guthrie, samtida sångare. låtskrivare har satt musik till Guthrie s tidigare opublicerade texter. Musiker som Billy Bragg, Wilco, Dropkick Murphys, Jonatha Brooke, Jay Farrar, Tom Morello, Lou Reed, The Klezmatics, Hans-Eckardt Wenzel, Madeleine Peyroux, Janis Ian, Sarah Lee Guthrie. Varje 100 år är en sammanställning av 100 Woody Guthrie låtar som kör allt från arbetssånger, kärlekssånger och fackliga. Boken har sina klassiker som. Detta land är ditt land. JESUS KRISTUS. Do Re Mi. Pretty Boy Floyd. Rulla på Columbia. Betesmarker Plenty. DEPORTERAD PERSON. Ridning i min bil. och mer, samt träffar från nästa generation av Guthrie medförfattare. California Stjärnor. Jag är sändnings "Upp till Boston. The Jolly Banker. Way Over Yonder i moll. Hoodoo Voodoo. Ease My revolutionära Sinne. Ingrid Bergman. Min Frid. Mermaids Avenue. Lyckliga Joyous Hanukkah. Varje 100 Years. och många andra. Inkluderar ett förord från Howie Richmond, grundare av The Richmond Organisation - Guthrie utgivare, liksom andra kommentarer från vänner, familj och Woody själv tillsammans med foton och faksimil av Guthrie originalteckningar och handskrivna texter. Holy Ground. Heaven. EN OCH EN. Do Re Mi. Bling-Blang. Howdido. Bättre värld. DEPORTERAD PERSON. Plane Wreck At Los Gatos. California Stjärnor. Remember The Mountain Bed. Jag Shipping Up To Boston. Bigger. Inte Kill My Baby och min son. Way Over Yonder In The Minor Key. Hon kom till mig. Aginst Th "lag. Mot Lagen. Annan mans Done Gone. Birds And Ships. Ingrid Bergman. Joe DiMaggio gjort det igen. Min Flying Saucer. Min trettiotusen. Union bön. Den ovälkommen gäst. Hoodoo Voodoo. Flygbolag To Heaven. Allt du behöver göra är Touch Me. Var Ingen kyrka ikväll. Varit nedför floden för lång. Cadillac Åtta. Chain Of Broken Hearts. Kristus för president. Ease My revolutionära Sinne. Varje 100 Years. Folksong. Guds löfte. Gonna Get Through This World. Lycklig Joyous Hanuka. Han Och Hon. Tvekar Skönhet. I hopp Machine. Jag hör dig sjunga igen. Jolly Banker. King Of My Love. Lyssna på Den vind som blåser. Mermaids Avenue. My New York City. Min Frid. New Multitudes. New Star. Ninety Mile Vind. Gammal L.A.. Orange Blossom ring. Ramblin vårdslös luffare. Sweetest Angel. Det finns mer True Lovers Than One. Denna Morning I Am Born Again. Ticky Tock. Två Goda Män. Världs On Fire. Wild Card In The Hole. Kvinna hemma. Din Sandal String. Gå Waggaloo. Jag ska skriva och jag ska dra. Den skuld jag Owe. Bad Repetation. Kära Mrs Roosevelt. Einstein Theme Song. Hangknot, Knot. Hard Work. Woodys Rag. Ludlow massakern. Fred Call. Peace Pin boogien. SKICKLIG JURIST. Solen hoppade upp. Talkin Subway. Detta tåg Bound For Glory. Inte du Push Me Down. Torr Bed. Little Bird. Behandla Birdy. Little Sacka Socker. Little Seed. Race You Down The Mountain. Sleep Eye. Hanuka Dans. Maila mig för dig. Sätt fingret i luften. Ridning In My Car. Roll On, Columbia. Detta land är ditt land. Union Maid. Jag har fått veta. Betesmarker Plenty. Jag har inget hem. Dam Auxiliary. JESUS KRISTUS. Belle Starr. Den Rangers Command. Pretty Boy Floyd.